Hi! I'm so happy you are here!
My name is Giada, I am an artist, author, and art educator.
Originally from Italy, I moved to Santa Clara, California, at the end of 2017, where I now live with my husband.
For more than 15 years, I worked as a theatrical set, prop and costume designer and artist - extremely in love with my job and the Arts in general.
Then, all of a sudden, one day in March 2020, everything changed: theaters and live events closed their doors indefinitely, and I felt completely lost.
Trying somehow to adjust to the new reality, I committed myself to practicing positive-thinking exercises as a daily routine.
I focused on finding at least one happy word per day, appreciating all the privileges my life already had - and still has: Family, Love, Energy, Colors, Memories, Freedom, Hope, Creativity... so I reached the 50th day, with the word JOY, the day I took my pencil and started drawing... the day Flora came to life: a little whimsical character with the mission of lightening my days, MAKING ME SMILE.
It worked!
So much so that I thought Flora might bring a bit of color and brightness to some other lives too, even if only for the time of a chuckle.
Hence, I’ve started posting my daily illustrations on Facebook and Instagram. I created her personal blog filled with educational and inspirational content, designed free downloadable worksheets for kids and seniors, hosted contests, and collaborated with non-profit organizations, teachers, educators, and other artists.
I was creating art, all alone in my little corner of the world, trying to make the best of my social isolation, and I ended up being surrounded by a community of beautiful people who sent me the most special and heartwarming ‘Thank You’ messages, cards, gifts. And much love.
No words can express how grateful I feel.
Over time, the illustrations grew to 100, then 200, 3, 4... and more than 1000 by now.
I am still drawing, every single day.
(Click here to find a few Behind-The-Scenes facts about Flora!)

In July 2021, I began hosting free pop-up Art classes and workshops (which I love to call 'Experiences') for both kids and adults.
I show up in local parks, with my traveling Art Room and a variety of art materials, inviting everyone to join the activities I crafted for that day.
A year later, in July 2022, I took a step forward on this new path by opening my art studio & publishing house, THE PENCIL CIRCLE, LLC.
On September 21, 2022, the art activity book 'THINK, SKETCH, AND SMILE WITH FLORA' has been released, followed by the coloring book 'IMAGINE AND COLOR WITH FLORA' on August 19, 2023.
In 2024, I expanded the FLORA MAKES ME SMILE® brand to include toy and game inventions - Flora is the ingenious designer behind every concept!
I don't know the where this journey will take me, and that's ok, because I am enjoying every moment, one drawing at a time.